Let’s solve RobotGPT together

We are on a mission to make robotics available to the regular software engineers, by decoupling it from ROS and physical hardware. Make it usable with natural language, where you can ask it to perform tasks like you speak.

Enter Prompt


Processing Command...


Searching for "Computer"


Moving through "Lounge"


TV Located (0.6)




No Match


Continuing Search


Exploring Lounge


TV Located (0.75)


Keyboard Found (0.73)


Mouse Found (0.72)




Computer Located


Function Success


Moving to Standby

Available Now

A Simulation Platform where we can deploy end to end AI models

Today, you can take our simulation environment and deploy end-to-end AI models that take camera inputs, robot kinematics, and text commands, then generate action tokens to predict the next state of the robot.

Stunning Virtual Environments

Explore virtual environments like home, office, and test scenes, teaching your robot navigation with various objects for interaction.

Realistic Physics

Test your robot models in diverse scenarios to see if it performs well under real life like conditions, accurately accounting for gravity for example.

5 FPS Camera Feeds

You can receive four 5 FPS feeds from your robot: two RGB feeds and two DepthCam feeds plus two feeds of coordinates: one for the robot body and one for the robot arm.

You can use Hello Robots' Stretch 3

You can simulate the actual real robot that's for sale, as well as our imaginary robot luck-e that can fly it's drone

Our Approach to RobotGPT

Natural Language Commands

We see a path in which individuals can train AI models on real world simulations, and train them to respond to natural language.

What should the robot do?

What should the robot do?

What should the robot do?

Task Input (A):

Task Input (A):

"Turn off oven"

"Turn off oven"


What does the robot see?

What does the robot see?

What does the robot see?


Large Language Model

Large Language Model

Large Language Model


Token (A)

A: = 132 114 128 5 25 156


Robot Action

T = [0.1, -0.2, 0]

R = [10, 25, -7]


No waitlists, no email lists - Let's GO!

Part of the reason we began this journey is that everything we tried was either proprietary hardware, limited to Linux, difficult to install, or impossible to use. Lucky Robots is only line install:

First version is ready!

Our platform lays the foundations for you to be able to play with, explore and build your own AI models. We are going to add a lot in the coming days and weeks.

pip install luckyrobots

pip install luckyrobots

pip install luckyrobots

Here Is What's In Store


Building a better tool to train AI models one step at a time

Here is a short roadmap of the future of LuckyRobots.

We will offer real robots that you can rent by the hour, allowing you to test your AI models in real-world environments.

You will be able to import URDF files into your project.

You will be able to fly drones over forests and natural environments for search and rescue, defense, and forestry applications.

You will be able to scan your room and train a real robot in your own home environment.

And so much more to come…

Want to help us build these features?

We are on the lookout for talented individuals passionate about solving robotics & how we can train them. If you are interested in what we are doing, and want to be a part of it, get in touch.

What’s next for LuckyRobots

Coming Soon

End to End AI Models, Sample Tokens, and General Models

You can take our simulation environment and deploy end-to-end AI models that take camera inputs, robot kinematics, and text commands, then generate action tokens to predict the next state of the robot.

Terminate or Continue

Terminate or Continue

Pos X

Pos X

Pos Y

Pos Y

Pos Z

Pos Z

Rot X

Rot X

Rot X

Rot X

Rot X

Rot X



Real World Applications

The applications of this are too many to count

Solving RobotGPT will allow us to deploy these trained models to a variety of real world applications to benefit the world.

Family Home


(Coming Soon)


(Coming Soon)


(Coming Soon)


(Coming Soon)


(Coming Soon)

Meet the team behind Lucky Robots

Our core team of members who are passionate about helping build RobotGPT for the world.


Stealth-CTO (AI @ Autonomous Driving),



(Unreal Developer)

Friends of the project

These brilliant folks help us find answers when we get stuck

(AI / Inference @ Tesla FSD),

(Sentdex @ YouTube),

(AI @ Hello Robot, Ex Meta AI and NVIDIA AI),

(AI Engineer),

Investors of the project

These forward-thinking individuals believed in Lucky Robots from the start, enabling us to push boundaries and bring our vision to life.

We have built the foundations,
now help us build RobotGPT

We have built the foundations, now help us build RobotGPT.

This mission is bigger than us. It requires a lot of effort from the minds of those who understand the potential and possibilities.

Try it yourself!

Our platform lays the foundations for you to be able to play with, explore and build your own AI models.

pip install luckyrobots

Want more?

Want to learn more about our platform, how it works behind the scenes, and technical specifications?