We help you own Japan’s timeless heritage and distinctive homes

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Open for Application
Traditional Japanese farmhouse with private woodlands, nestled amidst farmlands
Toyama, Japan
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All-in-1 platform to own, renovate and operate architectural masterpieces across Japan.

Enjoy stay hassle free

Make the most of your unique property by experiencing a one-of-a-kind stay, surrounded by history and culture.

Host to earn

Share your heritage property with others and generate income while preserving its legacy.

You simply enjoy and earn, we handle the rest

Property acquisition
We source unique architectural heritage properties, ensuring they meet the highest standards of cultural and historical value.
Our team creates thoughtful renovation plans that preserve the original charm of the building while adding modern comforts.
We manage all construction and restoration work, collaborating with local craftsmen and experts to maintain authenticity.
Ongoing maintenance of the property is handled by our team, ensuring the building stays in perfect condition.
We take care of all cleaning services between stays, so you can relax knowing everything is well-prepared for your guests or personal visits.

Discover our curated selection of unique properties

Under renovation (Launch Jan. 2026)
Merchant’s Manor in a Japan-Designated Preservation District
Okayama, Japan
Sold Out
Applications open
Traditional Japanese farmhouse with private woodlands, nestled amidst farmlands
Toyama, Japan

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Kessaku’s efforts featured on NHK, Japan’s national broadcaster.
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