Googly Eyes

Watchful eyes in your menu bar

App screenshot

Add playful eyes to your menu bar that follow your cursor and blink when you click. Pure whimsy! 👀

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a feature request, bug report, or some feedback

Click the feedback button in the app or send it here.

The app does not show up in the menu bar

macOS hides menu bar apps when there is no space left in the menu bar. This is a common problem on MacBooks with a notch. Try quitting some other menu bar apps to free up space. If this does not solve it, try quitting Bartender or Ice if you have it installed.

Why is it using a lot of CPU?

The app is optimized as much as possible, but macOS is inefficient at updating menu bar items. Also, make sure you know how to interpret CPU usage.

More FAQs…

Non-App Store Version

A special version for users that cannot access the App Store. It won’t receive automatic updates. I will update it here once a year.

Download (1.1.1)

Requires macOS 15 or later