The user interface design tool

Design in the target medium. Prototype with real components. Handoff production code.

Modulz has been acquired by WorkOS
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The code-based design tool for designing and prototyping with real components.

Almost all design tools are optimised for illustration. Drawing tools are great for exploration but when it comes to designing websites, apps, and user interfaces, we need something more powerful.

Modulz is optimised for designing digital products and design systems.

"It is exceptionally hard to have a great design tool that outputs useful code. Many have tried but in the end the trade offs were too great. That was until Modulz made it their mission."

Photo of Will Prendergast
Will Prendergast

"I cant wait to check out Modulz, it looks so cool!"

Jina Anne

"Of all the startups I’ve invested in, I struggle to remember one producing quality product as fast as Modulz. Inspirational."

Des Traynor

"Modulz is—with no doubt—my bet for the next big thing in tools that close the gap between design and code. Really impressive."

Photo of Felipe Pires
Felipe Pires

"If you’ve been stoked with everything Modulz has been putting out but are worried it’s not going to all come together into the web design tool of your dreams, don’t stress. It’s sick."

Photo of Jack Lo Russo
Jack Lo Russo