Turn Text into Audiobooks

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Reading is hard. We live in the world of 30-second videos, infinite scrolling, and short attention spans. We are filling our brains with junk food, and finding the time to sit down and read often seems like an impossible task.

We want to read more. We want to learn more. — It's time to fight back!

Playtext allows you to save articles and turn into audio. It's a read-it-later app like Pocket or Instapaper that helps you read more.

Imagine having your favorite articles read aloud to you by human-like voices. With Playtext, you can train your ears to read at up to 3x the speed, essentially downloading information to your brain. To speed things up, press the + icon.

And the best part? You can still comprehend everything you read, even at higher speeds. That's because Playtext lets you read and listen at the same time, improving both content retention and comprehension.

So if you’re looking for a new way to enjoy your favorite articles and read more, give Playtext a try.

You might be surprised at how much you’ll love it!
