Promote your company with every email!

Use our platform to create amazing email signatures for your team to promote your company with every email sent.

All your signatures, one dashboard.

All your signatures in one location: makes it easier to quickly make changes, monitor stats and send signatures to your team members or clients.

Save time with Generators Pro accounts only

If you're in charge to create signatures for your entire team, use a generator and send them a link where they fill out only what you want and create an easy to use signature for their emails.

Stats Stats Stats

On average, one person spends 3 hours per work day sending emails. Keep track of the performance of these email signatures and identify which social platform your customers and partners are more interested in.

stats gif

Try a free email signature or sign up for more options

Free signatures give you access to a limited editor to try out our service. Your signature will expire in 30 days unless you upgrade to a paid plan.

Your information

Copy and paste your social profile url's into the fields below.
Please make sure to add http:// or https:// at the beginning as shown in the examples.

Disclaimers in Email Signatures are Not Just Annoying, But Legally Meaningless

Paid Accounts Only

Please sign up to add a legal disclaimer to your signature.

Disclaimer options

Link Tracking

If you disable link tracking, will not be able to collect analytics about who clicked on your email signature links and your signature will not have a stats page where you can visualize this information. Only disable this if your emails are getting placed in your recipients' SPAM folders.

IMPORTANT: If you already installed this signature in your email client, toggling this setting requires you to re-install it.

App Store buttons

Do you have an app on the app store? use these buttons to link to your app.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Available at Amazon

Calendar link button

Add a calendar scheduling button to your signature.

Available at Amazon
Enter your calendly, hubspot or other calendar scheduling url.

WhatsApp Message button

Add a WhatsApp message button to your signature. To findout more about how this works see this link from the Whatsapp API.

Available at Amazon
Enter your telephone number 15551234567 not +001-(555)1234567.

Paid Accounts Only

Please sign up to add App Store links to your signature.

App Icons options

Paid Accounts Only

Please sign up to change themes, colors and other options on your signature.

Style options
Please fill in the form before submitting.

Signature preview

Dexter Pinsher / Signature Maker / 999-999-9999

Signature Maker Office: 999-999-9999 / Fax: 999-999-9999 555 The Coolest St Miami, Florida 33333 USA

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play Available at Amazon

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