If you ever launched on AppSumo, drop your experience here๐Ÿ‘‡

Maurizio Isendoorn
10 replies
We've been approached by AppSumo asking us to join their platform, and so we're looking into it. Let us know your experience with having your product on AppSumo and if it is worth it! :)


Daniel Zaitzow
Not yet - We're chatting with them as well as a post launch option but their more curated launch is like a 75% / 25% rake which feels heavy. Not to mention - from my conversation with their rep - it feels like most successful deals need to be lifetime (and at that rake - it feels like a lot to give away) Upside - these might be sales / a market that you wouldn't have access to otherwise (that is the main pitch point on their side which is fair) 25% of something is better than 100% of nothing.
Maurizio Isendoorn
@dzaitzow Wait so they get 75% of lifetime deal revenue?
Daniel Zaitzow
@maurizioisendoorn they do if you go into their promoted program - I think it's a sliding scale but it starts around 70% - I am certain just posting on the platform is much lower. I think it's called their "select program" but they do a lot of cool stuff behind the scenes to promote your product etc.
Maurizio Isendoorn
@dzaitzow Ahh like that. Okay that's better. But in our case we don't have 90%+ margin on our product so that's going to be a problem If we'd launch on AppSumo. We probably first need to increase our margins
Daniel Zaitzow
@maurizioisendoorn yea I think it might be more of a marketing effort VS a revenue play to be entirely frank.
Vitor Seabra
I am still thinking about it. Working with LTD it's not trivial. You have to split this customer batch to analyze separatedely from the others.
JD Worcester
What is AppSumo? Just a giant SaaS marketplace?
Gurkaran Singh
Ah, AppSumo - like the Black Friday of the tech world! My experience there was like putting your product on steroids. Just be ready for the wild ride! ๐Ÿš€