Rohan Chaubey

Rohan Chaubey

Top Hunter on PH | Best Selling Author
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Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
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How Do We Secure Our Ideas in the Age of AI?

Let's face it, AI is now everywhere. How do we protect creative intellectual property (IP) in this new landscape? Traditionally, copyright protects original works. But what if an AI, trained on a massive dataset that includes your copyrighted material, spits out something suspiciously similar? Is it a derivative work, or a chilling glimpse into the future of plagiarism? * Can we copyright...
Rohan Chaubey
Artizyouâ„¢ is a solution dedicated to offering creators IP protection and management, utilizing the highest level of artificial intelligence and the legendary safety of Blockchain technology. We are on a mission to protect IPs in the age of AI.
IP protection for creators powered by AI and Blockchain
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
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What are Your Go-To Utility Mobile Apps for Everyday Life?

I'm currently on the lookout for some new utility mobile apps to streamline my day-to-day life, and I figured who better to ask than the wonderful PH community? Share with me in the comments your favourite apps -- productivity, health, finance, meal planning, travel, etc. EDIT: My latest favorite utility mobile app has been OH, a potato! I hunted it today:...
Rohan Chaubey
Oh, a potato! is an AI-powered iOS app that helps you find, save and plan recipes using ingredients you already have in the name of reducing food waste.
OH, a potato!
OH, a potato!
AI powered zero-waste meal planner
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
started a discussion

On a scale of 1 to 10, how financially literate are you?

Let's take a temperature check together! Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 being clueless, 10 being a financial whiz) and share why you chose that score. Here's a breakdown to help guide your rating: 1-3: Basic concepts are fuzzy. You might struggle with budgeting, understanding interest rates, or the difference between a debit and credit card. 4-6: You've got a grasp on everyday...
Rohan Chaubey
DataGems is the first AI copilot for marketing data. Transform scattered marketing data into compelling narratives with DataGems. Experience the power of data-driven storytelling with AI-powered marketing agents.
AI copilot for marketing data
Rohan Chaubey
StockPe is a Stock and Crypto game app with actual market data that helps you learn how to invest in stocks and crypto. Become a more experienced stock and crypto investor risk-free!
Learn stock and crypto markets easily
Rohan Chaubey
Your E-commerce Storyteller. Let your ideas come to life with captivating copy, engaging blogs, irresistible ads and much more—all powered by AI. Whether you're brainstorming for your next campaign or need fresh content, Smartli weaves the narrative for you.
Simplify e-commerce content creation with AI
Rohan Chaubey
Tap to Tweet Chrome Extension for Effortless Tweeting. Simplify sharing text and URLs on Twitter. Highlight text, right-click or tap icon, and tweet instantly. No data stored, works across websites. Download now to revolutionize your X sharing experience!
Tap to Tweet select text and share to X
Tap to Tweet select text and share to X
Tweet from any website no more copy/paste tweeting made easy
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
started a discussion

How do you create and manage contracts?

What's your current contract management workflow? How do you currently create contracts -- through a legal person, buying customizable templates, e-signature tools or any new AI tools for contracts? Share your picks in the comments below! :) I found Fynk today, it's an AI contract management tool >>
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
started a discussion

Have you used ChatGPT for teams?

I recently came across ChatGPT for teams. It helps assist every member of your team. You can generate better code, craft emails, analyze data, and supercharge any type of work in a collaborative team workspace. I'm curious, do you know of any other AI tools that allow collaborations between AI-human teams? Please share in the comments. EDIT: I hunted Chaturji in the past and today...
Rohan Chaubey
The simplest, most secure AI collaboration platform with top AI tools – ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Llama, Perplexity, DALLE, SDXL– and 1,000+ custom GPTs. Make better decisions, personalize results, and cut costs when your team, AIs, and docs work together.
All AIs in one platform for team collaboration
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
started a discussion

What are some AI tools you use for outbound sales?

What's your outbound sales tool stack? What AI tools are you using? The use cases can be lead gen, personalized outreach copies, lead scoring, etc. Let me know in the comments. :) EDIT: I hunted QRev today. @sudhamabhatia gave me a walkthrough sharing how it fully aims to automate outbound sales. Check it out here >>
Rohan Chaubey
QRev is what Salesforce would be if it were built today with AI. QRev offers Open Source AI agents for companies to scale their Sales organisation infinitely. Save 25+ weekly hours per sales rep on research, planning and prospecting.
Open Source AI-first alternative to Salesforce
Rohan Chaubey
A FREE collection of 700+ UI components built with HTML, React, Bootstrap, and TailwindCSS. You can copy-paste code or utilize the powerful editor to create, edit, download, or share complete websites and landing pages without coding from scratch.
700+ UI components with editor
Rohan Chaubey
Rohan Chaubey
started a discussion

Have you found any AI Copilots useful to boost your productivity?

AI copilots are popping up everywhere -- marketing, design, coding, you name it! I'm curious to hear your thoughts -- what are some copilots you're currently using? What other use cases can you dream up for AI copilots? Let's share our favourite copilot tools in the comments below and please tell us what kind of tasks it helps you with. :) P.S. Co-pilots I found on PH today: WaxWing (a...