Vue Storefront

Limitless open-source frontend for any eCommerce.
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What is Vue Storefront?
Vue Storefront is a headless and backend-agnostic eCommerce Progressive Web App written in Vue.
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Vue Storefront 1.0

Vue Storefront 1.0 is production-ready an all-in-one front-end that enables you to run a new eCommerce front-end without any changes in the backend platform.

It gives you the possibility to create a storefront for both web and mobile with a native-like mobile experience.

It is hard to make a tl;dr for VS, so feel free to ask any questions :)

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Vue Storefront

Vue Storefront is a progressive web application for eCommerce based on Vuejs.

We created Vue Storefront to improve the shopping experience by making the storefront ultra fast, off-line ready and impervious to traffic overloads.

Vue Storefront is 100% open source and distributed under the MIT license.

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