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Patrick Kessler
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Review CRM data frequently in order to see trends and make wise choices on things like sales and customer happiness.
How would you 💭 start tracking KPIs in a startup with no tracking systems, only a CRM?
Patrick Kessler
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Eager to explore the newest YouTube Shorts offerings.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
What's one thing you're looking forward to this week?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
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Patrick Kessler
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The music element seems simple and easy to use. It fits into the platform well.
What do you think of the music feature.. Is it easy or confusing? Know more 👇
Patrick Kessler
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One And only Choclate
Viola Schoell
What is your favorite ice cream?
Viola Schoell
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Patrick Kessler
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Cheers on the launch Best wishes
Colors Visualizer
Colors Visualizer
Visualize your colors on real designs for better experience
Patrick Kessler
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Dog Lover
Austin Armstrong
Are you a dog lover or cat lover?
Austin Armstrong
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Patrick Kessler
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What's your worst habit?

Patrick Kessler
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Chrome Best
Ghost Kitty
which browser
Patrick Kessler
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Cheers on the launch
Make your data ready and clean with AI
Patrick Kessler
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Cheers on the launch amazing template.
Financial Hub: Advanced Finance Tracker
Manage and track your personal & business finances easily