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Stefan Bohacek
A simple, privacy-friendly way to share web content with the fediverse.
Fediverse share button
Fediverse share button
Let your site visitors share your work with the fediverse.
Stefan Bohacek
There's a lot of great explainer sites and articles about the fediverse, but I wanted to make something that serves as a quick introduction for a more casual audience, and lets you dig deeper from there.
A gentle introduction to the fediverse
Stefan Bohacek
Find companies, organizations, and individuals offering to match donations to causes you care about.
Donation Match Party
Donation Match Party
Double your donation impact
Stefan Bohacek
Redact text on a web page before taking a screenshot using the Redacted font created by Christian Naths. You can use it on the full page or just the selected text.
Redacted Browser Extension
Redacted Browser Extension
Redact text on a web page before taking a screenshot.
Stefan Bohacek
This tool, which comes as a WordPress plugin and a self-hosted version, lets you embed tweets on your site without heavily impacting your site's performance and protects your site visitors' privacy.
Alternative Tweet Embeds
Alternative Tweet Embeds
Embed tweets without compromising your users' privacy.
Stefan Bohacek
Embed Tweets on your WordPress website without compromising your users’ privacy and your site’s performance.
Twitter Embeds WordPress Plugin
Twitter Embeds WordPress Plugin
Privacy-conscious Twitter plugin for WordPress.
Stefan Bohacek
Bot! zine
Bot! zine
An online newsletter for #botmakers and bot enthusiasts.
Stefan Bohacek
Resources for botmakers and bot enthusiasts.
Stefan Bohacek
A community for people making useful/fun/artsy online bots.
Stefan Bohacek
Resources for creating creative online bots.
Stefan Bohacek
Simple Sharing Buttons Generator
Simple Sharing Buttons Generator
Easily create mobile-friendly, static sharing buttons
Stefan Bohacek
Detective Game
Detective Game
Who is the robot and who is the human?