Building community is one of my strength 🚀

Shreya Gupta
9 replies
What is your strength?


Michael Shver
That's a great strength! Would be really handy for our launch, so far we are just learning how to do it 🔥😂 And about my strength. Maybe supporting others? 🤔
Ryan Zhang
It's fantastic to hear about your strength in community building, Shreya! Harnessing that skill can truly transform projects and bring people closer together.
Wisani Shilumani
What tips would you share?
Shreya Gupta
@wisanishilumanimakes Defining a clear purpose from the start and setting achievable goals in terms of milestones for a short period can help prevent exhaustion or disappointment, especially during the challenging early stages of building a community.
Business Marketing with Nika
I think that my strength is trying to learn new things :)