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Harsh Vyas
7 replies
Which one is good for promoting the new webpage design?


Phil Meyer
A appeals to me but lacks info. B has the info maybe too much?
Harsh Vyas
@phil_meyer Thanks for sharing your insight. I will try to incorporate your concerns and make the necessary changes.
Marvin Mändle
I like the design "A" more. But otherwise "B" offers the details. Would probably choose the left one with a headline.
Hjalte Niehorster
Two different purposes for these images. A -> is a banner / pattern to showcase your product. B -> is an image to explain the USP's -> value prop.
Viola Schoell
Launching soon!
I like A more
Ruben Boonzaaijer
A looks better in my opinion, but b is better at showing people what it can do