What’s the best AI image generator between DALL E 3 , Midjourney, Firefly 2 ?

7 replies
The new versions of these 3 tools seem to have their pros and cons, trying to figure out the best one ?


Mathis Vella
Midjourney no debate!
@mathis_vella Thanks, What do you use it for ? (what kind of images)
For me DALL E 3 because it's free on bing.com 😂
Bryan Van Horn
@entreeden I used the bing image creator to come up with ideas for the illustrations on Timbre and being free was definitely a great perk!
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
If you are looking for paid, then Mid-Journey because DALL-E 3 can be used for free on Bing.
You can experience the power of Midjourney through this : brainyoung.gumroad.com/l/simplymidjourney