

An open-source platform for building native apps
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What do people think of Expo?

The community submitted 41 reviews to tell us what they like about Expo, what Expo can do better, and more.
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41 Reviews
Avishek Chatterjee

Engineering at Wishup

3 reviews
The Expo library has uplifted the DX of building the React-Native application. It's not a toy project anymore. The expo community is doing a fantastic job by continuously improving the OG Expo SDK and all the tooling that it provides. I've been using it since 2020 and it's come a long long way. Also, a long to go as well.

Julien Cortesi
Freelance Dev & SEO expert
1 review
Expo is wonderful; it's the complete opposite of vendor lock-in. You can add the package to your bare workflow, you can build locally, you can set up your own update server... Expo is a blessing!

Daya Chettri


2 reviews
Great experience building universal applications.

Oleg Suvorov
Junior product manager
3 reviews
It streamlines development, but still, you need to be cautious about npm package compatibilities. Sometimes it's a more robust approach to go with React Native CLI, than Expo CLI.

Dany Mendez
Es el mejor
2 reviews

Nallib Tala
1 review
I wasted a week trying to create an app using expo, reactnative and google sign in. It is a cascade of broken dependencies and incompatibility

Eli Perkins
Mobile @ GitHub
2 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Expo 2.0

There's lots of cool things that Expo is doing, but I'm not sure this should be presented as a full-scale mobile development platform. Even with the eject scripts, there's still a fair amount of vendor tie-in that you get from leaning heavily on a kitchen sink of an native app that bundles every framework and has it's own set of abstractions. If Apple/Google releases a new iOS/Android API that you want to use, you have to wait for Expo to implement it first.

There's also something to be said for the large amount of abstraction of platform-specific standards. I don't think Expo does a great job of building components that feel at home on each platform, starting with their recommendation of using a non-native replication of UINavigationController in `react-navigation`, to loading bundled fonts asynchronously, to using FontAwesome icons over the iOS-provided UIBarButtonSystemItem icons.

If you're building a one-off mobile app that has no plan on being maintained, Expo might be the right fit for you. Looking to build a mobile app that will be maintained for some time to come? Stick to a vanilla React Native or native Swift/Kotlin app and learn the platform first.


Ish Baid
Ish Baid
Founder @ Virtually (YC S20)
16 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Expo 2.0

I can't praise expo enough. I've never had an easier time writing code in my entire life. I don't have to worry if settings are correctly configured. I don't have to worry whether a library was correctly installed or not.

It just works. I spend my time writing code instead of fighting with an IDE. Major props to the Expo team. Keep up the great work!


Pav Sidhu
Pav Sidhu
2 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Expo 2.0

While React Native's intention was to simplify the app development process, Expo takes it one step further, providing everything you need to get an app up and running, with their updated website, app development is more approachable then ever


Boris Tchangang
Js dev - love automation
4 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Expo 2.0

Expo changes the way we build app. In 15 minutes you can build something and see your work on your device.

The team is reactive, replies fast. Best js framework for building mobile app <3
