Andrey Simagin

Andrey Simagin

Software Development
22 points
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Andrey Simagin
Andrey Simagin
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1 article in month )
Nico Spijker
How often do you publish a new article to your blog?
Andrey Simagin
Andrey Simagin
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Free product to actively attract new customers

To more actively attract new customers, I keep my product completely free. As soon as it becomes more stable, I will make it paid. And yes, I'm sure it's in demand. Question: how correct is this strategy, or is it necessary to make the product paid as soon as possible to test sales, etc.?
Andrey Simagin
Andrey Simagin
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Thank you! Brief and to the point!
0 to 45K users in 12 months: Our journey 🚀
Busra Ozgumus
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Andrey Simagin
Andrey Simagin
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Wish I had read these tips earlier when I launched my product! Thank you!
Sveta Bay
10 proven tips for a successful launch on Product Hunt 🚀