Eslam A. Hefnawy

Eslam A. Hefnawy

Builds Serverless Cloud ✨
101 points
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Eslam A. Hefnawy
Create zero-config backends with APIs, data, storage, events, scheduled tasks, secure parameters, and more. Then run frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, Next.js, and 11ty, alongside your backend code in a unified dev experience with instant deployments.
Serverless Cloud
Serverless Cloud
Build full stack apps better and faster than everyone else
Eslam A. Hefnawy
Easily host and manage Express.js apps on cheap, auto-scaling, serverless infrastructure like AWS Lambda and AWS HTTP API via the Serverless Framework's new Serverless Express Component. Featuring custom domains, SSL certs, and costs ~$0.000003 per request!
Serverless Express
Easily host Express.js apps on AWS serverless infrastructure
Eslam A. Hefnawy
Forget infrastructure — Serverless Components enables you to deploy entire serverless use-cases, like a blog, a user registration system, a payment system or an entire application — without managing complex cloud infrastructure configurations.
Serverless Components
An easier way to build and share Serverless Applications!
Eslam A. Hefnawy
Serverless Framework v1.0
Serverless Framework v1.0
Build auto-scaling, pay per execution apps on AWS Lambda