karen steinkühler

karen steinkühler

Never try, never know.
31 points


Hi, I’m Karen 👋 Two of my favourite mottos are “Everything is figureoutable” and "Never try, never know". The last years I worked as a product manager before I embarked on my indie hacker journey in Nov 2023. I am passionate about solving problems, which is a big part of why I love product management so much. One of my deepest motivations has always been to help people live healthier and happier. This is also why I created tibah.io - which will launch on product hunt soon 🚀 Tibah is a reflection / journaling web app, that helps you in creating & transforming insights into tangible actions, because we do not get the life we want by accident, but by design. Right now Tibah is still an MVP - it is working, but far away from perfect. 👉 Go to tibah.io to find out more.


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Maker History

  • Tibah
    Your Autopilot for Meaningful Reflections.
    Dec 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 15th, 2021