Mavlonbek Muratov

Mavlonbek Muratov

100 points
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Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
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Good job team.
Cubeo AI
Cubeo AI
Build and deploy your AI Team with no-code!
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
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For saas, for sure to do sales.
Omer Ersin
What are the best SaaS solutions for SMBs?
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
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Hi Cem. Do you have a sales team and are you doing any outbound outreach?
Cem Bulut
What do you spend the most on as an early stage SaaS startup?
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
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Grow 10x faster (for B2B startups only)

Hey everyone. We help b2b sales teams generate 10x more pipeline over the phone. If you are interested, you can learn more at
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

Increase your sales by 3x to 5x (for B2B only)

Hello all. After selling my previous SaaS company, I started another SaaS company. Salesfinity. Salesfinity is a parallel dialing software that makes up to 10 phone calls to your prospects and only connects you with the person who picks up the first. You don't have to manually dial and only focus on talking to your prospects. With this, you can make 80 - 100 phone calls per hour and crush...
Mavlonbek Muratov
Get founder level insanely good blog posts that will engage your audience and help you grow your business from professional content marketers.
Blogs for Startups -
Blogs for Startups -
We write blog articles for your tech startup.
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

AI generated story.

I was a startup founder who had to wear many hats to build my company. I was doing everything from sales and marketing to programming and customer service. But one task was really eating up my time - writing blogs. It seemed like every day I was spending hours writing, editing, and publishing new content. Then I found Research AI - a writing assistant that helped me write faster and better....
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

Create social media posts with one click (FREE)

Hey guys, Built this tool on our website: It allows you to create social media post captions with just a click.
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

Just launched on PH.

Hey guys. Just launched on PH and would really appreciate the support.
Mavlonbek Muratov
Our Content Brief allows you instantly generate SEO meta title, description, word count, competitor keywords, people also ask questions, SERP data and more.
Content Briefs by Research AI
1 Click Content Briefs
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

How to Write Cold Emails To Get More Customers. (with a FREE Customizable Template)

Hey guys. Just wrote this killer blog post about sales. You can read it here:
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
left a comment
Very important but don't change the whole trajectory of your app just because of one negative review.
Elena Cirera
How important is customer feedback for the improvement of a product?
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

4 Proven Ways to Get Customers for Your Startup.

Hey PH. Wrote this blog article based on my experience of building Research AI. I appreciate it if you can share with friends).
Mavlonbek Muratov
Mavlonbek Muratov
started a discussion

4 Proven Ways to Get New Customers for Your Startup.

Read the full article on Medium: