Shyam Nallasenapathy

Shyam Nallasenapathy

Co-founder of
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Shyam Nallasenapathy
Shyam Nallasenapathy
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Looks cool. All the best @jonec !
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Shyam Nallasenapathy
Shyam Nallasenapathy
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Looks cool. Congrats folks!
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Shyam Nallasenapathy
Zevi’s Shopping assistant is built on top of our neural search engine and OpenAi for brands to deliver personalized and engaging experiences to their customers. It helps customers find what they are looking for while also giving a unique voice to the brand.
Shopping assistant powered by ChatGPT for e-commerce brands
Shyam Nallasenapathy
Shyam Nallasenapathy
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pretty cool.
Huberman Lab Search Engine
Huberman Lab Search Engine
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