Yousif Astarabadi

Yousif Astarabadi

Founder/CTO @ OASIS
106 points
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Yousif Astarabadi
Write emails, essays, notes and more — just by talking. OASIS empowers you to be a master communicator with zero effort. Works on-the-go, with your favorite apps & platforms.
Transform speech into perfect writing
Yousif Astarabadi
Yousif Astarabadi
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I didn't realize how much I needed this until I saw it!
RemoteHQ 2.0
RemoteHQ 2.0
Multiplayer cloud-based Chrome browser
Yousif Astarabadi
Yousif Astarabadi
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Super excited about you guys! Love the concept and much needed
Lambda School
Lambda School
A full Computer Science education - free until you get a job
Yousif Astarabadi
Yousif Astarabadi
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Search doesn't work in "search for locations and friends"
The new way to find a city's best places to eat and drink.