
AI-powered career suggestions & career pathfinder
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What is Careerdekho?
FREE - AI career discovery tool ✨ Problem Statements:: 1. I don’t know which career to choose. 2. I have 1-to-2 careers in my mind but I am not sure what they look like.
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Recent launches

Careerdekho - AI Career Pathfinder
AI-powered career discovery tool that helps you find the perfect career fit based on your personality, interests & skills. Core features: 1) Personalized AI career suggestions 2) Detailed career paths from college to job step-by-step
Careerdekho - AI Career Pathfinder image
FREE - Ai career discovery tool ✨ Problem Statements: 1. I don’t know which career to choose. 2. I have 1-to-2 careers in my mind but I am not sure how they look like.
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