

A platform to talk and hang out
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What do people think of Discord?

The community submitted 72 reviews to tell us what they like about Discord, what Discord can do better, and more.
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4.5/5All time (65 reviews)
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72 Reviews
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Co-Founder of Ringly.io.
9 reviews
Just a great platform to host your community.

Indie maker at Mobile Media Mania

21 reviews
Discord is where people are. It's not hard to get them to join your server if they are already using it for their own projects.

Adam Lui
Adam Lui
Founder at KudoAI
21 reviews
The UI progressively grows worse with update (which are slow to release). What used to be simple, clean navigation has grown into a bloated mess. The mobile experience is even worse...

Gabrielle Striker
Just interested in stuff!
2 reviews
Barely confusing! I am a new user to discord, but I like it a lot so far!

I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but it has too many features for people like me.

Mack Myers

Founder & Leadership at Pieces for Developers

9 reviews
Love Discord. So many features & functionalities. Gets a little chaotic at times, but awesome nonetheless!

Abdullah Al Afique
Building skelementor.com
12 reviews
It's become an integral part of my communication toolkit. Its user-friendly interface and extensive features make staying connected with friends, colleagues, and communities effortless.

Discord is a platform I often use to communicate with friends while gaming. It provides convenient tools for voice and text communication, allowing us to easily coordinate actions in games. Additionally, Discord ensures a stable connection and has minimal latency, which is important for seamless online gaming together. However, like any other platform, Discord has its drawbacks, such as occasional connectivity issues or malfunctions of certain features. Overall, Discord is a convenient tool for communication during gaming sessions, but technical issues may arise at times.

Amna Ghaffor


12 reviews
"Discord is such an awesome platform It's a real game-changer when it comes to staying connected with others who share similar interests. I love how easy it is to create servers and join communities where you can chat, voice call, and even share media.

Discord changed a lot about how i interact with people on the internet over common interests, projects, and hobbies. I use Discord on the daily to game & chat with friends abroad, and am also part of communities coalesced around philosphy, art and politics . I can't imagine another way to go about it than the Discord / channels format. The structural similarity with Slack makes shifting from work mode to play mode a breeze for my brain.