Gingko Writer

Gingko Writer

Writing software that gets you to first draft, fast
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The community submitted 72 reviews to tell us what they like about Gingko Writer, what Gingko Writer can do better, and more.
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72 Reviews
1 review
I finally found my ideal app after a long research! It's unique, it's authentic, it's cool!

Cristian Toba
Curious guy about interesting stuff.
60 reviews
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Review of Gingko Writer
Congratulations and thanks @adriano_ferrari for this awesome product! I really understand your frustrations writing technical and academic papers, struggling with managing a lots of data and references. Everyone struggling with a thesis should give this a try 😅️

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Review of Gingko Writer
Gingko Writer is very much a product of the zeigesit. The design is both reflective and supportive of the modern approach to knowledge and writing. The app’s elegance is breathtaking: It’s self-explanatory while also displaying structure at any level instantly. It’s superior to a standard outliner.

Mattias Dahl
People person & Seinfeld aficionado
1 review
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Review of Gingko Writer
This software has quite literally saved me countless times. It’s super helpful to sort and organize your work/writings. Thank you for this, and if you haven’t tried it - it’s about time, my friend!

Thomas O'Duffy
1 review
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Review of Gingko Writer
Gingko is a SUPER USEFUL tool for outputting, structuring, organising and iterating ideas / copy / content. It is very intuitive, fluid and helpful. Even though most articles / essays / reports are linear, our relationship with the underlying material is not linear. Gingko allows you to rapidly output what you do know in a non-linear way brain friendly way. It is an invaluable writing and planning tool... I've been a paying subscriber for 7+ years.

John Ryan
John Ryan
1 review
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Review of Gingko Writer
I've been using Gingko Writer since...sometime in 2016-ish? It's one of the few tools that I still keep upfront, just about every day. I organize my course lessons, client-work, books I'm chaptering out, scrappy one-time stuff on the fly.....I've even got a tree in there called, "My GrandMaster Plan" - ha! - It's a joy to use and has managed to stay lean, and bloat-free all this time. Markdown is quick to learn and everything in there just feeeeeeeels good.

Andrew Schär
Creator of FLIXY
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Review of Gingko Writer
Congrats Adriano. I've used Gingko before for brainstorming story ideas. Really useful. Wish you all the best.

Denis Boucher
Part time author
1 review
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Review of Gingko Writer
If you're involved in writing of any kind, in my opinion, getting Gingko is be the best move you can make. I'm a part-time young adults detective novels writer and I cannot begin to tell you how this tool has made my life easier over the past few years. I would say that it has easily cut my story development time in half. I've tried many (many) outliners and mind mapping tools before finding Gingko, but nothing compares. This is the rare kind of software that doesn't try to be everything to everybody: it does one thing and it does it extremely well. I also use it often at work to outline anything from reports to site maps and even Powerpoint presentations. I would give it 11/10 if I could.

Der Macologe
Mac user
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Review of Gingko Writer
For those who want or need to write long texts, Gingko Writer (yes, Gingko, not the Ginkgo Tree!) is not just another cool-looking editor, but a great solution for thinking, sorting and writing. Gingko helps the budding writer write in Markdown, focus on the paragraph, see the structure of their text, gather and sort ideas and sources—all on one screen. I love this carefully crafted writing software!

Joseph Jolton
Media artist and media arts teacher
1 review
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Review of Gingko Writer
I’ve used Gingko since I first heard about it a few years ago. Initially I used it as a way of organizing my curriculum design and courses, but I’ve since used it as a notebook, a repository for notes, links, and ideas, and for structuring stories and proposals. It’s a unique paradigm but it’s incredibly fast, easy to use, and flexible. I’ve even looked into it’s paradigm as a way to organize programming for games. Give it a try!!