
Instant GraphQL on all your data
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What do people think of Hasura?

The community submitted 60 reviews to tell us what they like about Hasura, what Hasura can do better, and more.
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60 Reviews
Mrinal Wahal
Software. Golang. AGI.
3 reviews
By far one of my favourite SaaS tools.


Engineering at Sorcel

2 reviews
I love it so much

Johan Eliasson
CEO & Co-Founder of Nhost
1 review

Riccardo Giorato
5 reviews
Recommended this product
I love the speed and the power of Hasura! Building a backend is finally fast and won't require you spending weeks to create just a few endpoints. The foundation of Hasura is also really solid thanks to the Postgres SQL database that acts as the data source component. It makes really easy to integrate other simple custom Graphql endpoints made for example with serverless functions.

Riccardo Giorato
5 reviews
Recommended this product
I love the speed and the power of Hasura! Building a backend is finally fast and won't require you spending weeks to create just a few endpoints. The foundation of Hasura is also really solid thanks to the Postgres SQL database that acts as the data source component. It makes really easy to integrate other simple custom Graphql endpoints made for example with serverless functions.

3 reviews
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simple to get started on a small SPA project with minimal effort


Rick Segal
Former USAF, MSFT, VC, now w/Samsung.
11 reviews
Recommended this product

This is an excellent speed course to getting a full solution up and running quickly for very little cose.


Lance Douglas
Product Manager
3 reviews
Recommended this product
Hasura has allowed me to achieve things not possible in any other platform in record time over the past couple years. With the advancements in H2.0, I'll be able to replace the rest of my legacy systems and replace them with subscribe-able GQL + Rest + Hosted Functions and record-and-column level permissions.

Khoa Nguyen
Javascript lover
1 review
Recommended this product

So far, this is the most powerful and flexible GraphQL engine I have ever used.

- Lightweight memory footprint

- PostgreSQL specific: You get everything from PostgreSQL features like view (for masking public/private columns), triggers, you can even do data validation with PostgreSQL

- Nice permission model

- Auth webhook frees you from coupling data storing and authentication

- Fast support/responses. These folks always online on their Discord channel

I can't recommend GraphQL Engine enough


Julien Goux

Engineering at Snaplet

1 review
Recommended this product
Awesome product. The community around it is very helpful and welcoming and the team is very accessible!