Coming soon
Illustration Generator by Icons8
First AI image generator made by professional artists. Generate series of consistent illustrations in unique art styles. Trained on artworks created by Icons8 illustrators, unlike others who stole from artists. Safe for commercial use.
Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
Chris Messina
Jeffrey Chiang


Icons, illustrations, photos, music & design tools
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The makers behind Icons8

Here are the founders, developers, designers and product people who worked on Icons8
GoProd for Mac
February 2023
New Pichon for Mac
November 2022
Fugue 3.0
December 2021
Face Swapper
December 2021
Pichon for Mac
November 2021
3D Textures
February 2021
Plumpy Icons
January 2021
Background Remover
December 2020