
Make Your Social Bio Link Count!
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What is Linkkle?
After you signup you can complete a profile then add your important links. You can then share your Linkkle profile url in your social media, email signatures or wherever else you need people to see your links, it's that easy. Never worry about what link to add in your social profiles again!
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Linkkle media 2
AI note-taker that's truly intelligent

Recent launches

Linkkle 2.0

Linkkle 2.0 is where you can manage all your important links in one place.

Since we last appeared on PH we've got so much great feedback and feature requests that we basically started again. The all new Linkkle has avdanced profile management, link tracking, link stats, better link management and a shiny new site and branding!

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Most of us use social media in our daily lives, we all have mutliple profiles and share urls almost daily. Sadly the majority of social media sites only offer one url per profile. Using linkkle you can add upto 10 links and replace your social media profile url to your linkkle profile and have all your important links in one place.

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