

Your inbox, smarter.
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What is Mailbutler ?
Mailbutler is an email extension for Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Gmail, designed to help professionals and teams manage their emails better and improve their customer relationships. It integrates seamlessly into your inbox and offers advanced inbox features like advanced email tracking details, an advanced email scheduling feature, customizable email signatures, the ability to turn your emails into actionable to-dos, and many more. Mailbutler - it’s still your inbox, but smarter.
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Easiest way to add a referral program to your SaaS

Recent launches

Smart Assistant
An AI-powered email assistant that can write and respond to emails, summarize messages, improve your spelling and grammar, and scan emails for contact information and to-dos.
Smart Assistant image
Mailbutler is an email extension designed to help professionals and teams manage their emails better and improve their customer relations. It's still your inbox, but smarter.
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3 more launches