
Tappity teaches your child about science from experts.
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What is Tappity?
Learn science with Haley the Science Gal! Designed by educators and storytellers, our interactive science curriculum aligned with science standards encourages your child to discover their own learning path.
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Recent launches

Tappity STEM School
Tappity STEM School ensures your 1st-3rd grade homeschooler grasps STEM in live online classes. Enjoy courses resembling adventures guided by top instructors. Benefit from flexible scheduling, mailed rewards, and enriching printables!
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Tappity 2.0
Tappity is building the world's biggest library of interactive lessons for kids—starting with science! With content covering 100s of topics, taught by the world's most entertaining instructors, Tappity will inspire your kids to love learning about the world.
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