The Visualizer

The Visualizer

Empower your learning and creativity through AI
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4 Reviews
Maria Loleyt

Founder & Leadership

17 reviews
When I was a consultant I constantly collected lots of information and I was dreaming about a tool like yours to help me better analyse and navigate though it! I was even thinking to build something similar! Congratulations on your launch guys and wishing you to achieve great results today!

Nathan Herald
☕️ + 🖥 + building
1 review
Very cool, it's already been super interesting for me to build some maps using the free version. Congrats on the launch, and I'm going to keep expanding nodes and exploring 💪

Dennis Vermeulen

Founder & Leadership at House of Companies

4 reviews
This feature is very interesting. Is there only 1 style of maps available? It would be great if each 'step' could be made interactive by adding a link. This way a tutorials could consist of the chart, with links to the source pages.
Marcos Gorgojo
Hi Dennins, thanks a lot for testing. I guess you have tried the free version. It allows infinet maps. Upgraded version adds sort of a link: once you click on any node and "ask ChatGPT", it opens a window connected to GPT-4 for deeper insights. Those insights are in the context of the node, first, and then the rest of the map. It is a great way to get the full picture about any topic.

Hande Karabiyik
Co-founder of Skillpine, Academic
3 reviews
Congratulations on your launch! I like the product. As a researcher and a teacher, I believe this tool can be very useful - for teachers, when designing their courses, - for students when studying - for researchers when designing their research and making presentations. You have already received question about supported languages and you replied that it can support all languages. My question is related to that. Does it supper mathematical languages - like equations etc? I did a quick test with GPT to see if it understands Latex. It does! Here is my example: My question to GPT: What is this equation? \begin{align*} y_t = \beta x_t + e_t \end{align*} GPT response: The equation appears to be a simple linear regression model in a time-series context. But I'm not sure how it will do when the equation is parsed from a pdf. Also one of the add-on we can use with GPT is Mathematica. That can be helpful to make mathematics language accessible for your tool. If you want to go towards that direction. In any case, very cool tool!