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Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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Seeking Advice: How Do Solo Indie Hackers Market Their SaaS Products, Especially with SEO?

I'm currently developing my own SaaS product and trying to navigate the challenging world of marketing. While I'm getting the hang of the development side, I'm realizing that marketing, and SEO in particular, could be a significant hurdle. I'm reaching out to all you solo indie hackers who have successfully marketed and optimized your SaaS offerings for search engines. Could you share some of...
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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Finally reached 100 days of streakπŸ”₯

Hello everyone its the second time i reached 100 days of streak, just waiting for it to break , again πŸ˜‚. I know it doesn’t matter alot but still its a thing. So, share your streak.
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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79 :)
Ghulam Abbas
Celebrating 300 Day Streak πŸ”₯ What's your highest streak?
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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Natia Kurdadze
Can you see my post?
Natia Kurdadze
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Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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I prefer none.
Ghulam Abbas
Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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Congrats on launching Claude 3.0. It finally is available in my region !! I am excited to try it out.
Claude 3
Next gen AI built for work and trained to be safe & accurate
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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Mine was 113! Now its Day 1 .
Olena Bomko
Crossed 165 day streak :) What's yours? Is it useful?
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
started a discussion

The Day I Broke My 113-Day Winning Streak on Product Hunt!

Well, well, well... guess who just broke their impressive 113-day streak on Product Hunt (PH)! 😱 The streak flexers must be shaking in their boots now! πŸ™Œ But you know what? I've reached the level of enlightenment where streaks hold no power over me. πŸ’β€β™‚οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Streaks? ,they're overrated! Time to focus on bigger and better things! πŸš€πŸ˜„
Ahmer Saud
Ahmer Saud
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All the time..
Mahsima Dastan
Do you use GitHub?
Mahsima Dastan
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