Maxime Troiano

Maxime Troiano

Fullstack Engineer
17 points
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Maxime Troiano
QUIRRO's mission is to streamline connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs worldwide. Our AI tailors networking events, masterminds, and trips based on your preferences, matching you with peers who share your interests and goals.
Meet, grow and celebrate with like-minded entrepreneurs
Maxime Troiano
Maxime Troiano
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Sharath Kuruganty
What SaaS products do you or your startup use that you couldn't live without?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Maxime Troiano is a fun way to create a map with all your world discoveries and travels. Just indicate past and future trips, add pictures, add notes and get your own map that you can share !
Share your travel adentures
Maxime Troiano
Ever wondered what would happen to crypto wallet after you die ? Want to leave a message to world the day you pass away ?
I would love to get your feedback on the idea, the design and the user experience :-) Most of the actions are work in progress though.
Don't leave without saying goodbye