3 days before launch. What else can I do?

Tiep Vu
6 replies
I have my product ready. I have social media posts ready. Been commenting on socials for days now. Is there something I'm missing?


adward david
It sounds like you've been doing a great job prepping for launch! Here are a few additional things you can consider doing 3 days before launch: Pre-Launch Buzz: Targeted Outreach: Identify influencers or reviewers in your niche and reach out with a personalized message about your product. Offer them early access in exchange for a review (disclose any sponsorships clearly). Social Media Blitz: Tease your launch with short, engaging videos or countdowns. Run contests or giveaways to generate excitement. Community Building: Host a live Q&A session on social media to answer questions and directly connect with potential customers. Logistics and Support: Double-check everything: Review your launch page, product descriptions, pricing, and ensure smooth functionality. Test your ordering and payment systems thoroughly. Customer Support: Prepare your customer service team to handle any launch day queries. Have clear FAQs and return policies readily available. Personal Preparation: Relax and recharge: You've put in the work, now take some time to de-stress and be ready for the launch day rush. Remember: The key is to create a sense of anticipation and excitement around your launch. Also visit our website: https://capcutsapp.com/
Tiep Vu
@abdul_wahab49 We have tried our best for the prelaunch already. Now it's the time for launch. Would love to receive your support!
Rahul Agarwal
Let's connect (linkedin.com/in/sjarahul) , you can notify me on the launch date for the upvote! Let's support each other.
Tiep Vu
@rahul_agarwal23 We're launching right now. Would love to receive your support, Rahul!
Tim Yang
With just 3 days to go, focus on ensuring your team is prepared for any last-minute issues and double-check all technical aspects. Also, consider reaching out to influencers or communities in your niche for a quick buzz!
Tiep Vu
@tim_yang2 We're launching right now. Would love to receive your support, Tim!