Product Hunt community: introvert Point of View

Uladzislau Rymasheuski
6 replies
I was just shocked. As an usual introversive tech guy it can be hard for me to communicate with people. Especially when it comes to something you love - e.g. your product. There are many fears - community would not like it, community would not like your manner of communication, you're just not cool enough for people to give some attention to what are you writing or working at. But PH community dispelled all this fears and inner prejudices - people are kind and ready to pay attention to you as a person and for your work. PH community - just want to say that all of you are amazing!


Xavier JJ
I feel the same too. Thankful for this community
Philipp Jackson
Glad for you, Uladzislau! πŸ‘ I feel mostly the same β€” new member here and community support is incredible!
Gabriele Mazzola 🧭
I totally share the feeling. You described it beautifully!