This Song Plants Trees

Stream this 30 sec song. Every 100 plays we plant a tree
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What is This Song Plants Trees?
Add this short (31 second) song to streaming playlists. All the $ generated goes to reforesting the world. Every ~100 streams we plant a tree. It's the world's first MP-Tree Offset your streaming
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This Song Plants Trees - Focus edition
Add this 31 second song to Spotify. We'll plant a tree for every 100 or so streams. So far its been streamed 1.4 million times and planted 14,000 trees. Now with relaxing white noise and rain sounds you can play in the background while you work/study or sleep.
This Song Plants Trees - Focus edition image
This Song Plants Trees
Add this short (31 second) song to streaming playlists.
All the $ generated goes to reforesting the world.
Every ~100 streams we plant a tree.
It's the world's first MP-Tree
Offset your streaming
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