

Tidio- live chat boosted with bots
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What is Tidio?
Tidio Live Chat is a live chat service which allows you to communicate with your customers easily, also with the help of chatbots. A feature-rich free version with paid upgrades available pending your need.
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Maker shoutouts
Makers get only 3 shoutouts per launch
Pretty comprehensive set of features - although it's pretty expensive.
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Recent launches

Lyro AI by Tidio
Meet Lyro - the AI chatbot that talks to your customers and offers personalized assistance to solve their problems, just like a human agent. Improve your response times and take the pressure off your support team with Tidio Lyro.
Lyro AI by Tidio image
Tidio is an intuitive, no-coding chatbot tool that improves your live chat with automation that you can control.
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1 more launch