
For documentation writing with resource management
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What is Typed?
It's a one-stop tool for documentation writing where you can collect/manage resources, set an outline, and write a final draft while referring to collected resources on the side ➡️ It's Pocket, Workflowy, Google Docs put into one tool, only in a better form 🤗
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Recent launches

Trusted by Google, Typed is a collaborative document tool that optimizes teamwork by connecting your team’s scattered docs and workflows.

Invest now in your team’s second brain that grows smarter with more docs 🧠
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Typed⏎ Beta
Say goodbye to alt-tabbing for scattered resources and "productivity" tools TODAY. Typed⏎ is your one-and-only document workspace that streamlines research, drafting, communication and knowledge management. If Google Drives you crazy, get Typed⏎ now.
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