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What is whatplugin.ai?
whatplugin.ai’s aims to be the definitive place to find valuable GPTs for your life and your work. With a large number of GPTs already available, not all are actually relevant or even useful. This site is a highly curated and organised list for showcasing the most helpful GPTs. I also write a weekly newsletter about AI news, research and trending GPTs for 5,000+ readers.
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Recent launches

An organised and ranked list of the world's best GPTs. The list is auto-ranked by an algorithm that takes a GPTs popularity, capabilities, credibility and user-friendliness into account.
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ChatGPT Plugins are hot, but UI for exploring them is not. You can now discover the 200 Plugins available in a more organised way. Select the category that you are interested in or search for a keyword. Like your favourites to highlight the most useful ones.
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