6 best code editors for Mac in 2023

Published on
September 13th, 2023
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In the dynamic realm of software development, choosing the right tools can be a game-changer for your coding prowess. However, when it comes to finding the best code editors for your Mac, the choices may seem overwhelming for the uninitiated.
Code editors and IDEs are your trusted companions in crafting elegant and efficient code, and they can significantly impact your productivity. Even though they can all get the job done, your experience will differ greatly based on your choice.
In this article, I tested the top code editors for Mac to help guide you towards the perfect match for your coding style and needs.

Best code editors for Mac 2023

1. Visual Studio Code

Best overall code editor for Mac

Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code
Pros: Free and open-source, Excellent Git integration, Powerful IntelliSense for coding assistance, Extensive library of extensions.
Cons: Can be resource-intensive, May require additional setup for advanced features.
Features: Integrated terminal for command-line access, Live share for collaborative coding, Built-in debugging support, Extensions for almost any language.
Cost: Visual Studio Code is entirely free to use.
Visual Studio Code, developed by Microsoft, has gained immense popularity in the developer community. Its extensibility and robust features make it a top choice for macOS users. It is the most popular code editor, used by beginners and veteran developers alike.
The integration of Git, a powerful IntelliSense engine for code assistance, and an extensive library of extensions make it a developer's playground. The live share feature facilitates collaborative coding, a lifesaver for remote teams.
VS Code excels in its ability to cater to the specific needs of diverse developers, thanks to its active community and extensible ecosystem. It's truly a code editor that grows with you.
Read VS Code reviews from our community

2. Sublime Text

Best for customization and flexibility

Sublime Text
Sublime Text
Pros: Lightning-fast performance, Highly customizable with a vast plugin ecosystem, Distraction-free mode for focused coding, Multi-caret and multi-selection support.
Cons: Not free (but offers an unlimited free trial), Limited built-in features compared to some competitors
Features: Command Palette for quick access to commands, Cross-platform compatibility, Split editing and distraction-free writing, Goto Anything feature for easy file navigation.
Cost: Sublime Text offers a free trial, and a license costs $99.
Sublime Text has earned its place as one of the top code editors for Mac due to its remarkable speed and flexibility. It's a favorite among many developers for its extensive customization options and efficient coding environment.
The multi-caret and multi-selection support make complex edits a breeze, and the command palette ensures you never need to remember a myriad of keyboard shortcuts. Sublime Text's distraction-free mode, coupled with a vast plugin ecosystem, ensures a focused coding environment.
Read Sublime Text reviews from our community

3. Nova

Best code editor for beginners

Pros: Modern and sleek user interface, Robust Git integration for version control, Extensive extension library for customization, Built-in terminal and task management, native Mac application
Cons: Not free, May be resource-intensive on older Macs.
Features: Multi-caret and multi-selection support, Visual debugger for real-time code inspection, Integrated syntax highlighting and auto-completion.
Cost: Nova offers a 14-day free trial, and a full license costs $99.
Nova is a native Mac editor and fantastic choice for developers who prioritize a sleek and intuitive user interface while still having access to powerful coding and debugging features. With its robust extension library, Nova allows you to tailor your coding environment to your exact needs.
Nova caters to a broad range of developers, from beginners to seasoned professionals, thanks to its balance of user-friendliness and advanced features. If you're looking for a visually appealing and high-performance code editor for your Mac, Nova is a strong contender worth considering.
Read Nova reviews from our community

4. Brackets

Best code editor for web development

Pros: Free and open-source, Live preview for web development, Inline editing for CSS and HTML, Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud.
Cons: Limited language support compared to some editors, May not be suitable for all types of programming.
Features: Extract feature for pulling out design information, Quick edit for efficient HTML and CSS coding, Extension support for additional functionality, Split view for simultaneous editing.
Cost: Brackets is entirely free
Brackets, though specialized in web development, brings a unique feature to the table: live preview. This capability allows web designers to instantly see how their code changes affect the rendered web page, streamlining the design process.
Its inline editing for CSS and HTML simplifies front-end development. While it may not be the most versatile for all programming tasks, Brackets' focus on web development, paired with its user-friendly interface, sets it apart in this niche.
Read Brackets reviews from our community

5. Xcode

Best native iOS code editor

Pros: Integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS and iOS app development, Powerful debugging and testing tools, Interface Builder for designing user interfaces, Swift and Objective-C support.
Cons: Primarily geared towards Apple ecosystem development, Can be resource-intensive.
Features: Simulator for testing iOS apps, Interface Builder for visually designing app UIs, Extensive documentation and resources, Integration with Apple's app distribution platforms.
Cost: Xcode is free to download and use
XCode is Apple’s native code editor, and a must-have for developers targeting the Apple ecosystem. It offers a complete package for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development.
Its seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem, debugging capabilities, and extensive resources make it an indispensable tool for Apple developers.
Read XCode reviews from our community

6. TextMate

Best lightweight code editor for Mac

Pros: Lightweight and fast, Advanced searching and replacing, Extensive language support, Powerful macro recording.
Cons: Limited built-in features, Less active development compared to some other editors.
Features: Bundle system for easy plugin installation, Syntax highlighting and folding, Snippet support for code snippets, Keyboard-centric design for efficiency.
Cost: TextMate offers a free trial and a single-user license for $56.
TextMate's simplicity and speed make it a great choice for macOS users who prefer a lightweight code editor with powerful text manipulation capabilities.
While it may not have the extensive feature set of some other editors, its user-friendly interface and scriptability make it a strong contender for many developers.
Read TextMate reviews from our community

Which code editor for Mac is best for you?

Choosing the best code editor for Mac depends on your specific needs and preferences:
Sublime Text offers speed and customization, Visual Studio Code impresses with its versatility, Nova is all about community and openness, XCode is optimized for native iOS development, TextMate offers user-friendliness, and Brackets shines in web development.
Consider your coding requirements and workflow to make the right choice.
All that being said, if we had to pick our favorite, we’d say go for Visual Studio. It is perfect for all types of developers, and is the most popular code editor across operating systems.

What makes a great code editor for Mac?

Here are some key criteria we considered when judging the best code editors for Mac:
Ease of use: An intuitive user interface and efficient keyboard shortcuts.
Functionality: Robust features, plugin support, and debugging capabilities.
Performance: Speed and responsiveness to enhance productivity.
Language support: Compatibility with the programming languages you work with.
Community and support: Access to resources, tutorials, and a helpful user base.
Cost: Affordable pricing or open-source availability.

How we tested code editors for Mac

To determine the top code editors for Mac, we conducted extensive testing based on the criteria mentioned above. We checked out each editor's performance, customization options, debugging tools, and language support.
Additionally, we considered user feedback and community support to ensure that our recommendations cater to the diverse needs of developers.
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