Heather MacDonald

Heather MacDonald

Software Engineer at ML Startup
21 points
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Heather MacDonald
Generate AI answers from your trusted and private data sources. Combine the power of pre-trained LLMs and your data. Get it working in 5 minutes with Verta. It's not literal magic but it feels like it.
Verta RAG System
Go from dataset to custom RAG prototype in 5 minutes
Heather MacDonald
🔍 Experiment with latest open-source and proprietary LLMs ⚡ Jumpstart your project with curated prompt templates 🏆 Rank your best models and prompts with our Tinder-style Leaderboard 🚀 Deploy your app with one click & have your users drive the Leaderboard!
Verta AI Workbench
Verta AI Workbench
Experiment, evaluate and launch a GenAI app in <10 minutes