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A product created by my team. Please come and give it a try! leave your comment and let me know how you think about it!

#collaboration #handoff #uidesign #designtool #ui

iDoc is a brand-new collaboration tool for designers and developers. It goes far beyond design and workflow. It allows you to upload your wireframes and visual designs from Photoshop, Adobe XD, and Sketch, and add them to your project folder in iDoc.

#collaboration #handoff #uidesign #designtool #ui

Mockplus Cloud is a brand-new collaboration tool for designers and developers. It allows mobile designers to handoff designs with accurate specs, assets, code snippets and interactive prototypes automatically from PS, Adobe XD, and Sketch.
Mockplus Cloud Beta
Handoff designs with accurate specs, assets, code snippets

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With this online product design collaboration tool, you can easily collect comments from other designers to optimise your UI designs, create interactive and animated prototypes, and also handoff them to developers with ease. !mockplusidoc
Mockplus Cloud Beta
Handoff designs with accurate specs, assets, code snippets

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Navigate the entire design process in one place, act as the ultimate collaboration tool from design to development
.Keep designers, product managers and engineers working collaboratively and smoothly
.Group and manage teams and projects, set different roles to give members different permissions.
Pros: handy dandy tool for better communication between designers and developers
Cons: project...
Mockplus Cloud Beta
Handoff designs with accurate specs, assets, code snippets

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I think Mockplus deserves to have a try! Have you tried it?

Prototyping Tools
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10 Hottest Design Tools You Must Try in 2018
Make work more efficient!

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You should consider using Mockplus if the app you want to make features multiple similar screens, and doesn't have too many unique components. For most software designers or developers, at least one project they're participating in (or will participate in) matches this description. That makes Mockplus a great deal for them, and well worth trying.
Pros: Intuitive to use

A fast, simple, and clever prototyping tool for designers.

Mockplus is a nifty little piece of software, available for multiple platforms, that allows you to create mockups of other apps. Mostly by dragging and dropping, It lets you add icons, text, panels and other interface aspects to a template, and ultimately, to get an idea of what an app should look like before writing a single line of code.

A fast, simple, and clever prototyping tool for designers.

13 UX Tools for Designers
ux, uxdesign

The Best Design Post 2016
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How Much Are You Worth? UI/UX Designer Salary Around the World
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