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  • Alexis Taylor

    Alexis Taylor

    Web Software Builder, Indie Hacker πŸ€–
    268 points
    All activity
    Alexis Taylor
    Umso (formerly Landen) is a website builder to easily create beautiful websites. Built for entrepreneurs who want to quickly go live without having to code or design. Our goal is to support young businesses on their journey.
    The website builder for startups
    Alexis Taylor
    You send us your custom metrics. We'll store, analyse, aggregate and visualise them. Build your own custom dashboards, invite your team and get email reports. No complex setups necessary. Events can be sent with a short link or easy-to-use client libraries.
    Quickly collect and visualize custom metrics
    Alexis Taylor
    Generate beautiful websites. Edit them with the easiest editor you've ever seen. Then publish your sites with a few clicks. The whole workflow from start to publishing requires no code or design experience. Try it for free without creating an account!
    Landen 2.0
    Landen 2.0
    The Website Builder for Startups
    Alexis Taylor

    Landen designs beautiful, responsive and performant landing pages for you. And we host them too!

    Automated landing page design