Presh Onyee

Presh Onyee

Frontend Software Engineer
134 points
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Presh Onyee
Presh Onyee
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Want to massively improve your buyer journey and reinvent your sales cycle? Have a look at Trumpet

About the past one year we've been working really hard on and I'm super excited to see this day and can’t wait for sales teams everywhere to re-invent their sales cycle like never before. Trumpet helps you build auto-personalised, collaborative and interactive microsites to close more deals, quicker. From cold outreach to onboarding: Combined with deep analytics to help you...
Presh Onyee
Presh Onyee
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I love this....just installed. I also joined the beta program.
tinythoughts for Mobile
tinythoughts for Mobile
Minimalist sentence-a-day journaling app with daily prompts
Presh Onyee
Two months ago I needed to design an Android app for dark mode, and it was quite stressful to do a lot of searches here and there for best practices.
I chose to compile all the resources I've found helpful related to designing and building dark mode apps. 😍
Resources for designing and building dark mode apps