Jeremy Kaczmarczyk

Jeremy Kaczmarczyk

AI Engineer & Maker
7 points
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Jeremy Kaczmarczyk
Open-source app that allows people to send appreciation via slack and broadcast it on the TV.
Allows for:
- Celebrate your colleague's success
- Send and recieve appreciation
- Encourage co-workers to interact with others
- Strenghten your company’s values
Thanksy - Send appreciation via Slack
Thanksy - Send appreciation via Slack
Enhance your company’s culture
Jeremy Kaczmarczyk

Saigon! Saigon! is a book describing Vietnam journey in a journal form. Full of photos and personal point of view is different than a typical travel guide. If you are interested or consider traveling to Vietnam check it out πŸ˜ƒπŸ‡»πŸ‡³πŸŽ’

Saigon! Saigon!
Saigon! Saigon!
14-day Vietnam travel diary
Jeremy Kaczmarczyk

You search a lot while coding. Asking Google. Reading documentation. StackOverflow. Looking through old repos. You often check the same thing again and again. Stop. Just Vsnipp it and have your stuff in one place.

Snippets manager you will love