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Abram Dawson
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Congrats on the public launch!! Been fun following along as this vision & product has come to life. Excited to use this in my projects in the future.

Notification infrastructure for developers

Abram Dawson
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This is great. How does Clockwise know which meetings can move?

Making your calendar work for you.

Abram Dawson
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This is great! I think it would be nice if I could also add just one specific restaurant to the thread/conversation from a list, as opposed to needing to send the entire list. Use case: I have about 8 restaurants near my office that are good for lunch meetings, I'd like to see the list and send one place as an option, as opposed to the entire list.
The Infatuation's iMessage App
Share restaurants or build your own list all within iMessage

Abram Dawson
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Great update @prernagupta and team! This format makes it so hard to stop reading, I'm excited to see what types of content people create 🙌

Hooked 2.0
Tell a story through text messages

Programmable drone on wheels

Abram Dawson
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Awesome – way to go @matthartman!

Doing Your Business with Matt Hartman - Season 1 Preview
A tech VC learns about profitable non-tech businesses

Abram Dawson
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Saw an early version of this a few months ago and have been eagerly awaiting this day...excited to use this! We don't force account creation/sign up, so this will help us engage anonymous power users.

Super User Dashboard by LaunchKit
An easy way to see who uses your app the most

Abram Dawson
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Love this product and concept @aakashsastry -- especially the auto broadcast upon open, takes very little effort to get started...there's no "start broadcast" button, which always feels daunting to me 💯

Everyone on camera. Tap to watch or video chat with anyone.

Abram Dawson
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So simple, so useful. Awesome, once again @mulligan

App Store Sales Reporter
Daily download and sales reports in Slack and your inbox

Abram Dawson
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Awesome, though I don't think Southwest will be too happy :) @Nikilster should have some thoughts on this --

Check Me In
Free, automated Southwest pre-flight check-ins

Abram Dawson
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Love this app, feels reminiscent of AIM back in the day w/ the notion of "being online/present". Also really like that when you close the app it updates your photo/status

The fastest ever way to see your friends LIVE

Abram Dawson
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Yeah, $30-50 per light seems more reasonable. Make a cardboard version?

Popup Lighting Deer Head
An elegent light fixture illuminating the shape of a deer

Abram Dawson
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Great idea -- this is awesome

An app-less way to share photos w/ friends and family

Abram Dawson
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This is awesome. A great companion to [Captio](
When sharing a website from Chrome, the email only contains the title of the page -- no content, URL, etc.

Mail to Self
An iOS extension to mail notes to yourself from any app

Abram Dawson
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Cool way for photographers/influencers to monetize their audience

World’s First Influencer Filter Pack Marketplace

Abram Dawson
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I use this multiple times everyday -- to research an industry/space, find competitive products, see what people are saying/gauge sentiment, etc. Algolia's realtime results makes this faster and easier than Crunchbase, AngelList and others. I even used to scroll and then cmd+f before this existed...glad they implemented this!

Product Hunt Search
Realtime search for Product Hunt

Product Hunt Search
Realtime search for Product Hunt

Abram Dawson
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@fritzanity hooked me up with a pair for Outside Lands and they worked incredibly well. Beautifully designed as well.

DUBS Acoustic Filters
Advanced tech earplugs designed for optimal listening.