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Adam Janower
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Easy to set up and use. Nice clean UI. Looks great.
Any features you're thinking of adding in the short term?
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Adam Janower
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This report really resonated with me. It described much of my experience at a previous job that I just wasn't able to understand at the time. No questions here, just a thank you for doing this work and spreading awareness/understanding of burnout. I'll be sharing it myself.
The State of Burnout in Tech 2022
The largest scientific-based assessment of burnout ever

Adam Janower
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I like this idea quite a bit. I've tried following IRL journalists that attempt to accomplish similar goals on social media, but the push vs pull and the single source have left me unsatisfied.
I'm thinking about distilling multiple sources' biases into Charlie's bias. Do you have any plans to demonstrate the breadth of the political spectrum the user is consuming?
Meet your new, personal journalist

Adam Janower
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Seems useful for streamlining teams with existing processes and for teams that have not yet formalized their onboarding experience. I'm especially bullish on the impact this product can have on the latter use case. Nice stuff!

Customer onboarding & implementation SaaS for success teams

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