Adam Barr-Neuwirth

Adam Barr-Neuwirth

Student at Cornell University
20 points
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Adam Barr-Neuwirth
Answering repetitive and basic inquiries was a waste of my time on my previous projects, but I couldn't hire someone to help. So I started a service that resolves ~80% of your inquiries by looking at your documentation/FAQs/common questions, on demand.
Forefront Support
Forefront Support
On demand, elastic customer support as a service
Adam Barr-Neuwirth
See updated election polls and browse political news with this simple app. Always updated with the latest data, you can stay informed on who's ahead, who's gaining momentum, and who's losing.
See the latest election polls and news on your iPhone
Adam Barr-Neuwirth

Dailycast is an app that shows you only the most important news. It's unbiased, trustworthy, and relevant. There are no sponsored stories, there is no algorithm curating you news. The stories on Dailycast are the most noteworthy events happening right now.

Unbiased, trustworthy & uncluttered news 🗞️
Adam Barr-Neuwirth

Open Secrets is a way to see any representative's campaign finance data and keep tabs on what they're voting for

Open Secrets
Open Secrets
Explore new bills, campaign finance data, and vote data
Adam Barr-Neuwirth

Great Day is an app that reminds you every day to literally type out your goals - that way you remember them! Use it to burn any habit into your mind. You can also track your progress on your goals by inputting how you're feeling about that particular goal every day. Then you can see a graph of your feelings over time.

Great Day
Great Day
Change your habits and accomplish your goals