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Now you can use AIStoryBuilders completely in your desktop web browser. All that is required is an OpenAI key or an Azure OpenAI key. Input your Characters, Locations, and background information into a database and have the AI use that when generating content.
A Step-by-Step Guide
Michael Washington
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I wanted to use ChatGPT to help me write my novel but realized that it does not handle longform content very well. You have to keep reminding it who your characters are and what they did. I realized you need a program that will keep a database of this information and feed it to the AI when asking it to generate content. I decided to create a free open source program that does that.
"Write your next novel faster and easier!"
Provides the ability to input your characters, locations, and background information to allow the AI to generate content. This software program can automatically continue your story or rewrite existing parts according to your instructions.
"Write your next novel faster and easier!"