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Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Super product!!! It is a delight to do any kind of integration between two products.
YepCode Recipes
JavaScript snippets to connect any service, database or API
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
It's great. Merry Christmas!!!
AI Santa by Synthesia
Send fun & free personalized AI videos from Santa 🎅
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Congratulations!!! I'm not Tiktoker but it sounds great!!
Analysis of each influencer and trends in TikTok
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Free Zapier alternative based on Github Actions
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Thanks Andrea!! Thank you very much!!!!!!
Redmine Equality Plan
Redmine Equality Plan
Plug-in for the diagnostic phase of a gender equality plan.
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
This plugin to make an Equality Plan will help you make the diagnosis phase and display of data represented by gender: salary, training, hours worked, etc.
The aim of this is to achieve equality within the world of work and promote the insertion of women.
Redmine Equality Plan
Redmine Equality Plan
Plug-in for the diagnostic phase of a gender equality plan.
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Hi We do not currently use onboarding services in saas but I kwow User Pilot!
Onboarding and product tours in SaaS: odds and benefits
Adrian Pradilla Portoles
Hi @miquelcamps Thanks for share the product!! It's very funny!!
Emotion Controls for the Web
Interact on the web through emotions using this extension