Antoine du Hamel

Antoine du Hamel

Software engineer at Transloadit
3 points
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Antoine du Hamel
Uppy is a sleek, modular open source JavaScript file uploader. With 30+ plugins, you add things like resumable uploads, image editing, loading files from remote sources (such as Google Drive), and more. Uppy 4.0 is the latest major release.
Uppy 4.0
Uppy 4.0
TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, and much more
Antoine du Hamel
Uppy is a popular open source file uploader that works with local disk, audio, screencast, camera and remote sources like Instagram, Unsplash, Dropbox etc. In 3.0 we went full ESM, rewritten Companion, added new Remote Sources plugin and fixes over 95 bugs.
Uppy 3.0
Uppy 3.0
ESM, Remote Sources, rewritten Companion with streaming